Currency used is in RAWR Points!

You can obtain RAWR Points by participating in stream events, and other misc ways on discord!

You can also convert real muns for RAWR Points! $1 usd = 10 RAWR Points!

[RAWR Points Sheet]

General Goods

Mimi’s Merchandise and More

RAWRzone VIP Badge Skills

You may allocate points you have gained through investing RAWR Points into RAWRzone projects into leveling your VIP badge passive and active abilities!  Do what you think your character would want and need!  For your character to use the active abilities in RP they must say “Badge ____” out loud to use them! If your character is Drunk, you will have to roll a d20+cha and get 10 or higher to pass, if Blackout Drunk it’s a 15 or higher.

Badge Level 0 = 2 points free to allocate!

Recall – Badge Active (Comes with Every badge by default!)


Lvl 1:

Teleport back to the yggdrasil. (Must be within yggdrasil’s protection)

“Recall to Yggdrasil”  Badge glows in preparation to teleport the wearer back to the RAWRzone underneath the yggdrasil. 10 minutes to cast, and will teleport regardless. Can be used once per short rest]




Inventory – Badge Active

Each slot holds 99 of the same exact item (No creatures) (No other storage containers of a similar type may be put into the bag. Like bag of holding) (You see your inventory similar to how it looks in minecraft, in your mind.)


Lvl 1:

10 slots total  1pt

(Slot Augment) Increase capacity of each slot of the same exact item to 250 (No creatures) 1pt

(Auto Clothes Augment) Can convert your clothing into mana to store inside of the badge, in which you can take off or swap outfits using the badge! (Instead of storing clothes as items) Takes 6 seconds (1 round) to use! 1pt

Lvl 2:  

20 slots total 1pt

(Living Storage Augment Lvl 1: Can store 1 creature up to 8ft tall for up to 30 minutes in stasis, will automatically pop out when timer is up or when you take them out. (1 hour total in RP) 1pt  

(Slot Augment Lvl 2) Increase capacity of each slot of the same exact item to Infinite (No creatures) 1pt

Lvl 3:

30 slots total 1pt

(Living Storage Augment Lvl 2 (Requires Living Storage Spec 1) Can store 1 creature up to 20 ft tall 1 hour in stasis, will automatically pop out when timer is up or when you take them out. (2 hours total in RP) Infinite max of same item per slot) Needs other specialization slot to obtain) 1pt

(Shared Storage Augment) Can share badge inventory with 1 other badge. (Must tap badges and say skill name out loud to activate link, can unlink and link to someone elses at any time, the same way. Inventories combine. Can only be accessed within the yggdrasil’s influence.)  1pt

**Leave no trace combo. Can activate leave no trace with share inventory passively, so the inventories are linked, but the other cannot visibly detect the link.

(Shared Storage Augment +) Increases linkable badges by 1.  1pt

(Shared Storage Augment ++) Increases linkable badges by 1.  1pt


Lifeline – Badge Passive

Lvl 1:

(Requires Badge level 3) [If you drop to 0hp, you’re instantly teleported to the infirmary (Must be inside Yggdrasil’s Protection] 1pt 

Lvl 2:

(Requires Badge level 10) [While in forbidden realms or outside of the Yggdrasil’s Protection, If you drop to 0HP, you are instantly teleported to the infirmary. Must be on Lumin] 3 pts


Options Augmentation – Badge Passive

Lvl 1:

[Add an additional attunement slot to a total of 4] 1pt (Requires Badge level 5)

Lvl 2:

[Add an additional attunement slot to a total of 5] 1pt (Requires Badge level 10 and Lvl 1 Options Augmentation)

Lvl 3:

[Add an additional attunement slot to a total of 7] 1pt (Requires Badge level 15 and Lvl 2 Options Augmentation)

Lvl 4:

[Add an additional attunement slot to a total of 10] 1pt (Requires Badge level 20 and Lvl 3 Options Augmentation)


Gambler – Badge Active

Lvl 1:

[you get a set of dice that has to be rolled together. can only be applied on attacks/saves . 1st roll is a 1d4 , 2nd roll is a -1d2. Becomes expended after use, recovers after a long rest.] 1pt

Lvl 2:

[Enhances the dice to 1d4+2 / -1d2] 1pt
(Assist augment) aide (Can be used instead on a target other than self within 30ft) 1pt

Lvl 3:

[Enhances the dice to 1d6+2 / -1d3] 1pt

Lvl 4:

[Enhances the dice to 1d8+2 / -1d4] 1pt
(Refresh Augment) [Recovers power of the dice after each short rest] 2pt

Lvl 5:

[Enhances the dice to 1d10+4 / -1d5] 1pt


(Dice Enhancement Augments) [Active skill: “The House Always Wins”
available only once per long rest: Negates effect of negative dice and gives additional 1d5+2] 1pt
[Active skill: “You Lose” available only once per long rest: Negates effect of positive dice and grants an extra -1d5-2] 1pt

Lvl 6:

[Enhances the dice to 1d12+5 / -1d6] (Requires badge level 20) 1pt
(Casino Royale Augment) [Active skill: “Casino Royale” Roll another set of the dice. Available only once per long rest] 1pt


Protection – Badge Passive

Lvl 1:

Barrier [Upon taking damage that would result in being downed, roll 1d4: A protective barrier forms to intercept and block the damage. Physical damage only. Expended upon use, recharges every long rest] 1pt 

(Magic Barrier Augment) [Barrier also protects against Magical types of damage] 1pt


Lvl 2:

Barrier [1d6 protective barrier]  1pt

(Assist Augment) aide (Can also be used instead on a target other than self within 30ft, this effect lasts for the hour or until expended) 1pt


(Self Augment) Grants the barrier a +5 modifier to the roll permanently for self, and the barrier becomes a complete passive. Enveloping the user in a thin film of mana that protects from damage. Cannot be penetrated until the barrier is destroyed. 


Lvl 3:

Barrier [1d8 protective barrier] 1pt

(Full Barrier Augment) [Barrier protects against All types of damage] 1pt


(Strengthen Augment) Grants the barrier a +3*character level modifier to the roll permanently.


Lvl 4:

Barrier [1d10+5 protective barrier] 1pt

(Assist Augment) +2 to aid targets. (3 total targets acquire this passive for the hour or until expended, within 30ft)1pt


Lvl 5:

Barrier (requires badge level 15) [1d12+10 protective barrier] (Can now use once per short rest) 1pt 

(Barrier Restrictive Dome Augment) [1d12+10 protective barrier] 15ft radius from caster, barrier will push out from the badge holder and all living creatures (except up to 2 targets +aide level chosen other than self) get pushed 15ft from origin. Living creatures cannot pass the barrier unless destroyed. Barrier will last 5 minutes or if destroyed.  (If self augment was chosen, passive barrier still exists, and you can still push out the active barrier)


(Self Augment) Grants the barrier +15 modifier to the roll permanently for self, and the barrier becomes a complete passive. Enveloping the user in a thin film of mana that protects from damage. Cannot be penetrated until the barrier is destroyed.


Stealth – badge active

Lvl 1:

Shrouds the badge owner in a mysterious light, giving auto 10+stealth mod stealth roll. lasts for 10 minutes. (Can use once per short rest) 1pt

Lvl 2:

12+ stealth mod stealth  1pt

(Assist Augment) Can also be used instead on a target other than self within 30ft 1pt


(Self Augment) Grants a passive 1d4 dice that will help with all stealth rolls for self. (usable once per short rest) 1pt


Lvl 3:

15+stealth mod stealth. Can say “Badge Stealth” in mind instead to activate 1pt 

(Assist Augment lvl 2) Can use both on yourself and aid another with stealth. 1pt


(Self Augment lvl 2) Grants a passive 1d4+2 dice that will aid with all stealth rolls for self. (usable once per short rest) 1pt


Lvl 4:

17+stealth mod stealth 1pt 

(Leave No Trace Augment) Near Perfect stealth, Cannot be detected by regular Perception. (Only magical detection) 1pt


(Attack Augment) While stealthed, gain 1d4+2 to augment your own damage. (inflicted damage counts as the damage type that it augments) 1pt


Lvl 5:

20+stealth mod stealth Can activate all badge actives in mind instead to activate them. 1pt (requires badge level 15)

(Leave No Trace Lvl 2 Augment) Absolute Perfect Stealth, Cannot be detected by Perception and Magical Detection. 2pt


(Echo Strike Augment) While stealthed, gain 1 additional attack that follows each of your attacks, and does the same damage as the weapon used. 2pt


Capability Boost  – Badge Passive (Unlocks at badge level 5) 

Lvl 1:

[Increases badge owner’s character’s level by 1] 1pt 

Lvl 2:

[1 more level] (Requires Badge level 10) 2pt


Soulbound  Badge Passive

Badge recall (passive) 2pts

Badge automatically recalls to its original owner at the end of each rawrzone hour.

Inventory  1pt
Only the Soulbound Badge owner can access the inventory.
**Linked inventories can still be access by each individual owners. Soulbound only applies to the owner’s badge that has this skill.


Reallocate Points: 

Between each rawrzone set you can reallocate your points to go a different route

if you’d like with your points! But not between hour sets!


RAWRzone VIP Badge Levels and Points:

Level  RP Used Total points
1 500 3
2 1000 4
3 1750 5
4 2750 6
5 3750 8
6 4750 9
7 6000 10
8 7250 11
9 8500 12
10 10000 14
11 11500 15
12 13000 16
13 15000 17
14 17000 18
15 20000 20
16 23000 21
17 26000 22
18 30000 23
19 35000 24
20 40000 26